The only options when it comes to hosting and why I think they are good. Learn more here about web hosting.
A brief explaination of why you should create a github profile readme and how to create it to a standard.
A simple guide to automate your github profile readme file and make it look 10x better via markscribe and github workflows.
A guide about what you need to upload your theme to Hugo's official website.
Discussing why vpns are quite useless and all the advertisement is just bland
My first impressions of GODOT game engine and a mini review
A deep dive in Python programming language to help you at your IT journey
A deep dive in Python programming language to help you at your IT journey
A deep dive in Python programming language to help you at your IT journey
5 more things that you should know about hugo which will make you much more efficient when working with the best static site generator
Learn about Freshdesk's ticketing system and how you can create and manage a ticketing system for your home lab!
Learn about important steps you should take to connect your site with Google Adsense and have ads running.
A list of things you should be doing for a better and safer Hugo website.
Learn about the tool Ahref and how you can use it to better your SEO and site errors.
Learn how you can get a free professional email using ZOHO and a domain. A deep dive in Zoho's email services and how you can use them for free.
A reminder on what 2-factor authentication is and how to enable it on most apps/flatforms
Learn about screen & sound mirroring tools and how to use them wirelessly from your phone to your computer.