Mansoor Barri

Edit HTML Files With Python


I have a email template which is made using <table> tags in HTML and its a sad job to edit and add messages to send on email. I wanted to change it to a template which does not use <table> however doing so made it really non responsive which is not ideally as emails are viewed on various devices.


I thought of making a python script which adds your message at a specific place on the HTML fiile.

Python code

import re

# Read the HTML file
with open("template.html", "r") as file:
    html_content =

# Define the message you want to insert
new_message = "Hello, world!"

# Replace {{ Message }} with the new message (case-insensitive)
modified_html = re.sub(r"{{\s*Message\s*}}", new_message, html_content, flags=re.I)

# Write the modified content to a new file named "message.html"
with open("message.html", "w") as file:

print("Modified HTML saved to message.html")

This works by adding your message in the HTML file where {{Message}} is mentioned. This worked great however I wanted a little more, a cherry on the top so I added some lines which allowed it to take Markdown and convert the Markdown to HTML and then insert it in the place of {{Message}} because Markdown>.

Final Code

import re
import markdown2

# Read the HTML file
with open("template.html", "r") as file:
    html_content =

# Get the user's input for the message in Markdown format
markdown_message = input("Enter the message in Markdown format: ")

# Convert the Markdown message to HTML
html_message = markdown2.markdown(markdown_message)

# Replace {{ Message }} with the HTML message (case-insensitive)
modified_html = re.sub(r"{{\s*Message\s*}}", html_message, html_content, flags=re.I)

# Write the modified content to a new file named "message.html"
with open("message.html", "w") as file:

print("Modified HTML saved to message.html")

This worked great which made me think, what if I make a file and use that as the message :0

Final Final Code

import re
import markdown2

# Read the HTML file
with open("template.html", "r") as file:
    html_content =

# Read the Markdown message from the .md file
with open("", "r") as markdown_file:
    markdown_message =

# Convert the Markdown message to HTML
html_message = markdown2.markdown(markdown_message)

# Replace {{ Message }} with the HTML message (case-insensitive)
modified_html = re.sub(r"{{\s*Message\s*}}", html_message, html_content, flags=re.I)

# Write the modified content to a new file named "message.html"
with open("message.html", "w") as file:

print("Modified HTML saved to message.html")

The code came out great and worked flawlessly. The mentioned code can also be found on Github

that’s it <3

Mansoor Barri • 2025