Quite a while ago I made a post about 5 Hugo Features You Should Be Using however, I have compiled a few more tips which you might know or might not.
- Serve Drafts
- Serve Future posts
- Limit Summary
- Custom
Serve Drafts
You can serve posts which are in drafts with a simple option with your normal hugo command like so:
allows it to serve posts which are in drafts
Serve Future posts
Similar to serving drafts, you can serve posts which are dated at a later date by hugo server -F
or hugo -F
Additionally, you can combined both to be hugo server -FD
or hugo -FD
serving both, future and drafts posts.
Limit Summary
Some themes have /blogs/
with blog title and as well as summary which is first few lines from the blog itself. You have no way of controlling this except use `
` after you have done writing your “summary” or first few lines that you wanna show as the summary.
For example, this blog has the following code:
The output will be:
As you can see, the summary stops before <!--more-->
Change public directory
you can change the public
directory where hugo compiles your website. This can be helpful when hosting your website on the same machine.
Command: hugo -d {custom-dir}
that’s it <3