Mansoor Barri

5 Hugo Features You Should Be Using

12 August, 2023
A list of things you should be doing for a better and safer Hugo website.


  • Manage URLs
  • Turn of /tags/ & /categories/
  • HTML in .md files
  • Comments
  • Hugo on localhost


You can manage post/pages URLs by adding url: in your frontmatter. For example, for this guide the front matter looks something like this:

title: "10 Hugo Features You Should Be Using "
date: 2023-08-28
categories: [Hugo]
url: "/guides/hugo-tips/"
type: "post"
showtableOfContents: true
description: "A list of things you should be doing for a better and safer Hugo website."

The URL of the post will be /guides/hugo-tips/ despite the directory being /guides/2023/hugo-tips

This can help with SEO and making the URLs hugam readable.

Disable Taxonomy

You can disable /tags/ & /categories/ by adding the following in your config.toml:

disableKinds = ["taxonomy", "term"]

You can also disable taxonomy for a build like so:

hugo --disableKinds=taxonomy,term


hugo server --disableKinds=taxonomy,term

HTML code in posts

You should be able to add HTML code on your site by default however some themes are a bit old and might not support html code by default. To over come that, you can add the following code in /layouts/shortcodes/rawhtml.html:


Using this you can make various other customisation to your content like coloured text and adding comments to your hugo site.


You can add comments to any static site including hugo using Utterances as explained before at /guides/comments-hugo/

In summary, you can add your code from Utterances whereever you need a comment section: Screenshot of code to add comments

Hugo on Localhost

This can be helpful when working in a team and publishing live ammendments to your localhost, which then can be available to the internet using port forwarding.


hugo server --bind [IP-ADD] --baseURL http://[IP-ADD]

Here, [IP-ADD] is your local IP address.

that’s it <3