Vital Terminal Tools

Discover vital terminal tools with our guide. Learn about essential command-line utilities to improve productivity and efficiency

Comments on HUGO site

Engage with your audience by enabling comments on your HUGO site. Follow our simple guide to add comment functionality and enhance your website's interactivity.

SSH into Termux

Easily access your Termux system remotely by following our step-by-step guide to SSH into Termux. Start managing your system anytime, anywhere!

Advanced Scambaiting

Advanced scambaiting: Learn expert techniques to trick scammers and take action. Enhance your skills with our advice. Read our article

Hugo Server on LAN

Host Hugo server on LAN with our guide. Access your site locally and improve testing and development capabilities with easy-to-follow steps

UFW | Firewall on Linux Systems

Secure your Linux system with UFW firewall. Follow our guide for easy-to-follow steps to protect your device and enhance your system's security

Remove Viruses From Windows

Remove viruses from Windows with our comprehensive guide. Follow our step-by-step instructions to effectively clean and protect your system

Better APT

Explore the best alternatives to APT package manager with our comprehensive guide. Find the right package manager to optimize your Linux-based system.

SSL Certificate with Certbot

Get an SSL certificate with Certbot using our guide. Follow our step-by-step instructions to secure your website with HTTPS encryption

Disable Updates

Disable Windows updates with our step-by-step guide. Take control of your system's updates and avoid unwanted interruptions and changes to your device.

Automatic Updates on Linux

Automatic updates on Linux: Learn the benefits, risks, and how to configure your system. Keep your Linux up-to-date and secure. Read our article.

Twitter Bot in Python (without API)

Learn how to create a Twitter bot using Python without the Twitter API. Automate tasks like tweeting, liking and retweeting. Follow our step-by-step guide now!

Email Alias With Cloudflare

Create email aliases with Cloudflare for enhanced privacy and organization. Follow our guide to set up aliases and simplify your email management