
I am thinking of just publishing one post every week and a newsletter on the website since 3 was okay but its too much and there are lack of ideas which suit the website’s theme. I am starting to experiment with this but also post things which blur the boundaries of the “website theme”

I am thinking of posting some content on Medium too as I do get some traffic on it which is more than my website’s traffic especially for writeups which makes sense as Advent Of Cyber 2023 is 4 days away. The aim is to get the website enough traffic so G-Ads are compelled to accept the site.

Last year, the list was something like this:

Post 3 times a week on Commit and contribute more on GitHub Improve my network Most of these this is achieved but I think networking can still be improved. In 2024, I for real want to make things right rather than hand on them for ages & do them when there is nothing else to do (G-Ads staring from the shadows)

G-Ads Long run clients for Hepton Improve network OR get a job G-Ads Google ads has been pain in the neck especially since I know everything is okay but I still get rejected & they don’t tell me what is actually wrong so its a slay. However, I am thinking about actually working on it either by asking on forums or asking someone IRL who has done this.

Hepton There are no expenses except the domain which isn’t that expensive too. ($3). The only issue is that I do want to do this like make it actually work; not just because of money but because its like a little child who needs time to grow and I’m a impatient bitch. Currently, I am working on a social media campaign and thinking about running ads - I have already spent around $100+ over ads and domain for Hepton which makes me think if this will even work?

Job College annoys me because I have done almost everything they teach and sometimes they teach it wrong which is frustrating but I can’t leave either cos its worth it now. Afterwards, I don’t think I will have time or energy to do this plus its probably just helpful towards my career.

I want to give exams like CompTIA A+ which I need money for as well. sigh.

Either way, If you can help with any of these things i.e. clients or Google adsense then please do contact. thankies.

That’s it doe <3 it