Creative Block

Been a while, I didn’t send anything to you or on the website because I fr don’t know what to post. At a point, I did have some ideas but my laziness did not write them down and of course I forgot. I am working on a couple of things which might be informative so there will be posts however the streak is broken now which is sad and I don’t plan to make it again. I think I might change to a post per week from next year and see how it goes but for now I don’t know.

I am planning to make a game with my cousin however the block is still there and there are very confusing and contradictory information on the web. So possibly there will be documentation of that process here and technical tips and things like that, on the website.


Hepton is struggling on the side as well since there are no new clients and I was seriously thinking about marketing and then again I need a post which is interesting and engaging enough to market so its just- everything is at a stand still as of now.

Thanks <3