How to create an issue on GitHub projects a simple guide on why GitHub issues are not helpful and how can you make good and helpful issues.November 10, 2023 •
Cloudflare vs Netlify | Who to choose? A comparison between Cloudflare and netlify and what should you be using. This is from a person who uses HUGO for websites with 3 posts per week.November 8, 2023 •
Monitor Your Coding Analytics with Wakatime Guide to setting up Wakatime to monitor your coding analytics.November 6, 2023 • coding
How to add copy code button on Hugo sites Guide to adding a copy code button to make your Hugo website user-friendlyOctober 27, 2023 •
How to Contribute to Open-source Projects A breif guide about how to contribute to open source projects on GitHub - The Right WayOctober 25, 2023 •