Mansoor Barri

SSL Certificate with Certbot

Get an SSL certificate with Certbot using our guide. Follow our step-by-step instructions to secure your website with HTTPS encryption


Debian, Apache2, Snapd, Certbot


sudo apt update 

sudo apt install snapd -y 

install certbot

sudo snap install certbot --classic

Screenshot of the command

Create symbolic link so you can run certbot command from the terminal

sudo ln -s /snap/bin/certbot /usr/bin/certbot

Run certbot command

sudo certbot --apache

Screenshot of the command you can change “–apache” to “–nginx” if you are using nginx instead of apache

Getting the Cert

Enter your valid email address so certbot can contact you for renewal and security notices

Screenshot of the command

agree all the T&Cs

Screenshot of the command

Screenshot of the command

enter your domain name Screenshot of the command

that’s it ✌🏽