Mansoor Barri

Transfer Data From Iphone To Android Using Copy My Data

Transfer data from iPhone to Android using Copy My Data. Follow our guide for step-by-step instructions to migrate your contacts, photos, and more

While switching from an iPhone to an Android phone can be thrilling, the data transfer process can also be difficult. Fortunately, there are a number of apps available to make the process simpler, with “Copy My Data” being one of the most well-liked. You can quickly and effortlessly move your contacts, images, and other data between devices using this app, which is available for both iPhone and Android devices.

First, you have to install “Copy My Data” on both devices



Data Transfer

  • Make sure both phones are on the same network
  • Open the app on both devices
  • Select “Wifi” as the medium for transfer
  • Select your Iphone on your Android phone and vise versa
  • Select the data you want to transfer i.e. contacts, photoes, calender et cetra
  • Wait for the transfer to be completed (The transfer process may take a few minutes, depending on the number of contacts you are transferring)
  • Verify that all the data you selected was transfered successfully.

that’s it <3

Mansoor Barri • 2025