Mansoor Barri

Email Alias With Cloudflare

Create email aliases with Cloudflare for enhanced privacy and organization. Follow our guide to set up aliases and simplify your email management


You can forward email with pretty much any domain provider but in this case I am using Cloudflare.

By the end of this article, you will be able to send and receive email from a custom email address that uses your domain name.

You will need to enable 2 Step verification on your google account for this to work.

Step 1: Setup Cloudflare

The first step is to setup cloudflare so it can route email. In this case my domain is and I will be routing [email protected].

Open your cloudflare dash and go to the “Email” section from the sidebar

SS of the step

click “create address”

ScreenShot of the step

Under Custom address type the mail address you want, in this case I will be using test and click Save

ScreenShot of the step

Step 2: Email Client Setup


Head over to the setting like so

Screenshot of the step

Under “Accounts and Import” go to “Add another email address” in the “Send mail as”

Screenshot of the step

Here enter the custom mail address as Email address

Screenshot of the step

Here enter your details in this order

SMTP Server:

Port: 587

Username: [email protected]

Password: «app password»

Username should be your main gmail. In my case its [email protected]

Screenshot of the step

To get your app password go through these steps

  1. Go to your Google Account Settings. Go to App Passwords under Security.

Screenshot of the step

Screenshot of the step

From the 1st dropdown select “Mail” and “Other” from second

Screenshot of the step

You can type anything in custom name. I am going with [email protected]

Screenshot of the step

The yellow highlighted characters is your password

Screenshot of the step

You may encounter this error

Screenshot of the error

This happens becuase the page timed out. Try again with the same steps and it should work.

Verify your mail

Screenshot of the error

Enable the Mail alias and you are good to go

Screenshot of the error


  • Go to

  • Sign in and click on “Add email address”, under “Add an existing email address as a Microsoft account alias” type your email alias which you want. In my case it’s [email protected]

  • Click on “Add alias”, on the next page click on “Verify and then click on the link from the verification link.


Go to your account settings from the main page

Screenshot of the step

Click “Manage Identities”

Screenshot of the step


Screenshot of the step

Last but not the least enter your details like so

Screenshot of the step


You might get the following error sometimes:

screenshot of the error

Here is the guide to fix this: /guides/sender-not-verified/

that’s it ✌🏽

Mansoor Barri • 2025